Thursday, July 18, 2013

M's top 5 travel activities

We recently went on a road trip to Philadelphia.  It was M's first big trip in the car longer than a couple hour (it took around 6).  I packed an activity bag for M.  Some things were regular toys and some things were activities I made.  I googled a lot of "traveling with a toddler" type phrases in the weeks before we went so I thought we'd add to the info that's out there by listing the top 5 things that kept M busy at just over 2 years old....

By the time we got to New Jersey M had done an amazing job in the car but I could tell he had a little extra energy to get out by then.  This is about as simple as it gets....a block of styrofoam, golf tees, and a toy hammer.  He loved it....

M's favorite toys are trucks, trains, and buses.  This was no different in the car.  He was happy to drive some small trucks around his car seat.  At home M usually chooses to play with larger trucks (like his Little People bus) but I put some smaller ones away about a week or so before.  He hadn't seen them in a while which made him happier to play with them.

One of the blogs I came across while searching for ideas offered this color game that I knew M would love.  He loves little figures and putting things into other things.  These wooden peg people and cups (I think the label called them candle holders) are fairly cheap at craft stores.  I painted them one day and gave them faces with a marker.  M loved putting them in their cups (or "houses" as he called them).  He's pretty solid with his colors now but it served as a good color activity too.  The picture isn't great but it gives you an idea...

#2 Books and Movies
I bought a few brand new books M had never seen before, which were great for both the car and at night in the hotel.  M is not huge on TV or movies.  Don't get me wrong, he loves a good Caillou episode and is in love with the Toy Story movies.  However, if it's on in our house, he's usually playing, catching a glimpse now and then, but never really glued to it.  That being said, the iPad, loaded with movies and various videos ripped from Youtube, was a great thing to have.  While I continue to promise to never be a parent who has a full time screen in their vehicle, it was definitely a must for a trip like that.

My child has amazed and surprised me countless times in the last two years.  This road trip was no exception.  The thing that amused M the most and that he enjoyed most was sitting in his car seat and looking out the window.  He loved all the trucks and buses on the highway.  He loved going under all the bridges in New York and calling them tunnels.  He even loved sitting in traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike and watching the "diggers" doing construction.  He turned out to be an awesome traveler.

* I didn't want to buy much for this trip but we did purchase this travel tray at Babies 'R Us.  While there are definitely things I didn't love about this particular one, something like it is definitely a must for a long trip.  So glad we had it.

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